
What Katie Sent Me When I Was Starting My Blog

Yes--Third Post in one day. It's the novelty of the thing... It'll wear off.

Anyways, what do Starbucks, Disney, and Pre-Raphaelite painters all really
really like?

(Warning: Could be toxically boring to someone who didn't have a frou-frou major in college)

Things I Learned To-day

- my judge just left to run for DA bc the old DA left to be a judge. how ... circular. but i'm getting a new judge, so s'all good.

- W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat. And i love that ppl are coming forward saying "i totally always knew that." But this has to be the best high school history paper in the history of high school history papers.

Baby's First Post

So I've started a blog because sometimes (ok, a lot of times) I want to write a really really long away message but I can't. Or I accidentally delete an away message that I wanted to save so that I could be lazy later. Or someone asks me about a site I had up a week ago and I can't remember it and then we're both frustrated.

The away message: restricted, ephemeral, all in all unsatisfying.

So Voila! Blog.

I think the guy (or chick) who writes the legalese thinks no one reads it (and that he is terribly hilarious) because look at what I found:

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment or enhance the current Service, shall be subject to this TOS. Now, this next part seems really damn obvious, but everyone else has it in their TOS's so someone's probably gotten sued for not having it. So: In order to use the Service, you must obtain access to the World Wide Web...

Mr. Terms 'n' Conditions, you scamp you