
Julia's Annotations on Grey's Anatomy

So Last Night I had to watch Grey's Anatomy alone (instead of with the usual Sunday night crew of me, Monkey and Monkey's Roommate when she feels like it) and so I thought I'd provide my commentary that I would have made to another person live to you, my gentle blog reader, whenever you read this.

All these comments relate to the February 12th episode of Grey's Anatomy entitled As We Know It (being the second part of a two part series that begun with It's the End of the World)*

I really hate that guy who stood in front of the bazooka. Big jerk. “I want to play with olde timey guns- whee! O no! now I’m gonna kill like 40 ppl because they want to help my dumb asss!” I don’t want anyone to die :(

Izzie’s gotta fix that hair if you know what I mean <>

Ok, stealing Mer’s bf wasn’t enough- could also had to yell at our pretty puppy George? Mrs. McDreamy is really the villain of the piece, but her actions can be construed as justified. Maybe.

I bet Meredith could pee herself right now and no one would think any less of her.

O SHIT! (with the bump)

Is that the guy from Early Edition? And yes, I Just admitted that I saw at least one Early Edition. It was about a fire in a warehouse. and stopping the fire before it's too late!!! and then the blind chick was like "whaa?" and that guy was like "hey!" and everyone was like "whoa! "

STOP TELLING US ABOUT CANCELED SCHOOLS! YOu've been doing it for the whole hour, and it's making the picture smaller and my tv is plenty small, thank you. Also, did you know that a plasma tv uses as much energy as the average refrigerator? S'true! Would I lie to you about random facts? Trivia is my life's blood- to lie about trivia is to stab my soul with a prison shiv.

George is such a sweetheart. He has sugary internal organs.

K, this is just to make you flinch: sweetmeats.

Y'know, Mer, he's no Dr. but the bomb guy isn't half bad looking if you need to move on. Just sayin.

Ok, 20 more minutes. No one better die. I mean that, ABC. I'm 18-34 and a good little shopper, so don't make me stop watching your excelllent programming.

Va-jay-jay hehehehe.

No!!! YAY!!! Maybe!!! Trying not to get hopes up!!!

It would have been really mean to go (thought interrupted by explosion) O SNAP!

(end of thought) "BOOOM!!!" right now. But I guess the bomb beat me to it.

O who cares, stop with the Christina Ricci and get to the Meredith part!!!

That ain't the she that he meant and - O, Mrs Head Resident you stole the words from my mouth.

She's probably concussed.

I bet that baby looks adorable in a onesie.

I got nothing for the end. What am I a-supp'sed to say?

I hope you enjoyed :)

*geddit? GEDDIT???


My new favorite band is The Decembrists and I'm sure you'll agree if you

a. Like Pirates, because as Evan says, it really is Pirate Music
b. Like Belle and Sebastian, but wish that they would make more sea-oriented funny songs.

Try "The Mariner's Revenge Song" or "This Soldiering Life" if you want to just listen for a moment before committing fully to loving them so much that you want to give up your life to go to their every concert in full pirate/pirate wench gear.

Also, I think there's something slightly illicit about nodding to your kindly old professor while ODB sings about putting killer ants in your pants and the other parts of that song, all of which are more rude and crude than that one sentiment. Senor Pod has a dirty sense of humor.


In which I reveal my evil side.

I'm in Health Care Regulation, which sounds dreadfully dull, but today was rather fun as we played "War Story" what-would-you-do?

(For those of you not in law school, "War Story" is when the professor hauls out some hoary story about his/her days at a litigator/administrator/expert witness (aka someone who ventures outside of the ivory tower) and one particularly interesting/gruesome/heroic case that s/he worked on. Usually there is much flapping of hands and imitation of voices and discussion of strategery both on his/her side and the other (either wrong on all counts, or morally right but worse at the strategery) side and how the lawyer either triumphed or how it comically left him/her in the best of all possible worlds. Because if it didn't leave him/her in the best of all possible worlds, that would mean that s/he hadn't spun it enough)

So we're discussing how we should fix the current dilemma in healthcare blee bloh blah and our professor, who's favorite method of illiciting response is the "starts-with-this-letter" gambit, says "and how do we take care of the problem of spending thousands and thousands of dollars on ppl who aren't going to live for more than 2 weeks? (silence) It starts with an E..."

And before I even consciously process the question, I pipe up with "Euthanasia?"

I'm a terrible person. In my defense, i was thinking about the David Sedaris story "The Youth in Asia" with his cat who would have needed a thousands+ operation to live and my whole bioethics class (in which we discussed Terry Schiavo for years and years) and at the same time Logan's Run and Children of the Corn (which is an interesting amalgam), so maybe I really am a monster.

The real answer was "efficiency" but I think it got lost in the shocked gasps and outburst of nervous laughter that occured simultaneously to me turning bright red and clapping my hands over my mouth. Apparently, my mouth is commanded more by my impulsive side, or maybe my side that always wants a laugh.

And Hey, if you want to reduce cost, I'd like you to think of a better spur-of-the-moment answer that starts with E than euthanasia. I was thinking about palliative care and how I would rather not linger for months in a hospital but die peacefully in a hospice without extraordinary means taken (if there's no cure in the really near future) and how that shouldn't be a bad thing but for some reason is in our society.

I'm gonna stop analyzing my response, because probably the next answer out of my mouth would be Eunice or Echinacea. My brain is not the world's most logical place.

Or maybe I am just evil.


I would like to refute TV Guide's opinion and say that both Now Voyager and Clue deserve more than 2 stars. What does it take to satisfy TV Guide if not classic lines or Oscars? I think the fact that we're still watching both years and years after they were filmed should rate then at 3 stars at least.

I think TV Guide is a genre snob.