
Creepy Space Children don't blink.

I'm a frequent dreamer due to practice (the secret is training yourself to wake up after REM sleep (prolly about every 2-3 hours) and to review the dream immediately, decide whether it was productive and then fall back to sleep) (i don't remember how i figured out how to do this, but it makes me feel like a dream superhero- capt. dream or something). This morning I had a dream about a creepy space hotel with an indoor arboreteum where i had to choreograph the children's musical number. And here is the reason I'm writing the post.

I swear that the little song I wrote for the creepy space children was the best, most original, funniest song ever written. And yet as I remember it, it was very VERY lame. Like "nah nah nah nah we love our parents something something [musical interlude]" So why did I think this craptacular song was so incredibly fantastic that everyone would be singing it in a few months time? My theory is that dreaming is more about reaction than action. Your brain cooks up the underlying feeling you get when you, say, hear an awesome song and become convinced that this is all you will listen to for the next month, but doesn't mess around trying to write an awesome song. All the fabulous hormone-style reaction without the pesky need for appropriate stimulus. Like when you have a dream in which your friend Pete is hanging out with you, but he doesn't look like Pete, he just is Pete because you know it. *

Thus I have no interest in drugs. It's boring, and I'm sorry to dissapoint all those ppl who would love to pass along to me the fun of illicit substances, but bc of my exciting dream life i'm totally square. hurray! (and also because I could never go to my doctor and say "my blood sugar went crazy on saturday" "well, what were you doing?" "snorting coke. is that what's wrong?")

I have no scientific basis for this theory, which is the wonderful part about being a former english major: no theoretical accountability. (some of the papers i wrote are such utter crap that I crow thinking that someone read them and thought, "Hmmm... This girl uses silly words like "slippage" and "narrative prothesis" and makes no sense. This is SO an A")


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