
Blog Break

I'm sorry to do this to you, the 5 people who consistently read my blog as well as the other 15 or so who show up occasionally (I hit 1000 page views over the weekend! w00t!) but I will not be blogging for the next couple of weeks. I'm leaving White Plains on Sunday and making a 2 week journey that will circuitously end in dear old Richmond. Sure, I have a laptop, but let's be serious: I won't be thinking "Hmm... after the hours of driving I did today to end up at such-and-such place to visit so-and-so, I want to go into a quiet back room and write an entry for my blog." I am, by nature, a selfish beast who will want to spend that time talking to (or drinking with) real live people instead of wishing that people would occasionally leave comments (especially when they bug me all the time about posting more often *ahem*).

So Godspeed in finding amusement elsewhere on the internet. I like Finslippy, the Apple Trailers site, HSX, and Snopes (every urban legend ever told). But I'll be back when school starts up, because any law student knows that I'll need something to do during class. tee-hee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know that *ahem* wasn't for me. didn't i say i would help you out with something when thesis is done? hmmmmmm......

i will still check compulsively, so don't expect your numbers to drop. ;) have a good vacation!

Friday, August 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now what am I supposed to do?!? Work?

By the way, what's up with letting these "edjucated" people read this website?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005  

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