
O Brave New Season/ Which has such Shows in't!

Shows I am Totally and Unreservedly Excited About Based Solely on Who Writes Them/Short Commercial Previews:

Kitchen Confidential
My Name is Earl

Kinda Excited

Head Cases (tho it conflicts with my beloved Lost, so really not all that excited)
Reunion (could definitely suck a lot) (but I thought the same about Lost...)
Martha Stewart's Apprentice (will it bring back the magic of the original Apprentice?)

Lacking in Excitement So Much as to be Almost Asleep
Ghost Whistperer (Jennifer Love Hewitt needs to go find another job besides "acting." Maybe she could be a successful baker or accountant?)
(I can't think of any more. But I can get a perfect score on "serial killer or programming language inventor?" it's a gift.

and a curse)

I swear I'll get better at this updating-while-being-a-semidecent-student-while-working-and-fitting-in-"socializing" thing.


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