
Can I Blog About School? I Think I'm Too Mean.

So yes, I haven't posted in a while. And I enjoy your subtle comments like "remember when you wrote such and such in your blog? i like your blog. have you posted lately?" Cute, real cute.

My cousin* Jamie wrote this book (like a while ago) about being a drug rep for Viagra (and other drugs) and then promptly got fired from his job at Lilly because he details how he wasn't the most ... let's say conscientious? employee at the beginning of his career in pharmaceuticals. It's a quick read and if you ever wanted to know anything about what exactly drug reps do or slacking off, it's highly informative. And he writes just like he talks, so this is a fair representation of what the book is like.

* he's my dad's cousin's son, but I know him about as well as I know my other cousins, so it's just easier to call him a cousin. And who cares what I call him? He is closely enough related to me that our kid would have a trio of eyeballs and a residual tail. So I say, and stand by, cousin.

Also, I think I may have a problem with my horn. I categorized my honks for the last week, and I think I have it down to four categories

1. The light is the opposite color than what you think it is.
2. You are merging right into the side of my car.
3. Hello, Person I Haven't Seen All Summer Walking On The Sidewalk!
4. I have a horn!

I should prolly cut down on my #1's.

UVA built an ornamental pond. An Ornamental Pond.

Most Random Movie I Own:
Scream 2.

A high school friend brought it over, then left the country for like a month, and after that I forgot until I lost track of her (tear). But instead of just chucking it, it moves about with my other movies and I occasionally take it out, dust it, and wonder why I still have it. And then put it back. But it will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.


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