

Remember the days when the creepiest person Joey Potter had made out with was Dawson?

I long for those days...

And if you don't find the that guy*/Holmes thing disturbing, read this article. It's from Fox News, but I'm not gonna hold that against it. Mainly because it says something that I can actually believe.

*I had grown disgusted with Tom Cruise, and vowed never to type or speak or think his name again, but this new fiancee fiasco made that resolution impossible. So I expressed my dilemma to Katie, and between the both of us we decided to name him "that guy." We first thought that he could be "he who must not be named (HWMNBN)" but that gives him too much power and dignity. No, we thought, it would be best to deny him the name-recognition he so obviously craves, and relegate him to the list of people whose names we cannot be bothered to remember. Hence, that guy, as in "you know, he's that guy that we don't like." It is in no way related to "Hey! It's That Guy!" because that would imply that we are ever pleased to see him. (Personally, I hope he becomes too much of a liability because of all the antics that have eclipsed whatever movie he and the brainwashed Joey have just put out. But that require too much perception on the part of the studios) "that guy" must never be capitalized, but not in the e.e. cummings sort of way. It should also be said in an off-hand sort of way, because he does not raise in you any feelings of great love or great hate. "that guy"s can't hold your attention for long enough to generate great feeling.

So take that, that guy.

also, alternative craft fair! I am so there.


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