
What I Be Readin

I've decided I never read much non-fiction, so that's this month's assignment. Well, half of this month, as I just decided that yesterday. Don't want to go overboard or anything.

I'm reading "The Sociopath Next Door," which is a book by a psychiatrist (Martha Stout) about the 4% of the population that has absolutely no conscience at all. That's 1 out of 25 ppl. It's a little dry, but I highly recommend it. No doubt you'll recognize in it ppl you know. And just in case you missed it, that's 24 normal, guilt-fearing folks followed by one empty, soulless person devoid of human feeling for others. Murder mysteries and horror flicks are all well and good, but it's Unsolved Mysteries and non-fiction books about sociopaths, spies and serial killers which make me lock my doors and carry a 5 lb. maglite flashlight that I like to call "the Blugeoning Torch.

Listen to an interview with the author- on the Diane Rehm show, so you must know that Diane Rehm has something wrong with her vocal chords that requires her to get botox injections in the neck every once in a while to make the talking not so laboured. this interview is obviously a long time after her last injection. she's a fabulous interviewer, tho)

Speaking of spies, I'm also reading "The Philby Files" about Kim Philby, one of the Cambridge Five. Y'know, the British guys who the KGB recruited in college (at Cambridge) to be doulbe agents for most of their lives. It's written by a Russian who had access to all the Philby KGB files and had hundreds of interviews with Philby after he hied off to Russia, so it's an interesting non-western perspective. Also? Guys named Kim? Almost as funny as guys named Stacy or Ashley. hehe i'm 12.

And because i must have some entertainment when in the oppressively hot exercise room, i'm listening to a mary higgins clark book on cd. Don't judge me- I'm allowed to rot my brain while working out.


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