
An Episode in Which the Usually Generous Julie is Left Feeling Cheap and Evil

Out to lunch with my fellow interns (we discuss the plight of the minimum wage worker (they had all watched 30 days last night) and then the videos on ebaum's world/ bigboys/ collegehumor.com because talking about the oppressed always leads to talking about ) (i can be immature in a juvenile way too, y'know).

When the bill comes, we all sit there calculating our tips and waiting for the single pen to make its way around the table. I'm the first to go, so i do my usual little-over-20% (because i'm bad with the adding and like round numbers) and then everyone else proceeds to leave 25-30% tips. Granted, it was 3 other ppl, all are either bartenders or waiters on the side of the internship, but I thought 20% was still the accepted amount. Is this a NYC thing? Was it because all of our meals were only about $10? Or perhaps because everyone is from liberal wealthy suburbs/ sections of manhattan where they have money to burn and a social conscience?

Give me some feedback on this, ppl. I don't want to be gauche and inconsiderate towards those in dire straits. But our waitress was obviously on summer vacation from hs and forgot to refill our drinks, so I didn't think she needed an extra-large tip. And when is 20% a bad thing? Jeez, i know ppl who tip 15%. And super old ppl who tip 10%.

Ah, to be old and free from the pressure to be socially acceptable.


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