
Is there a drug that makes you obtuse?

Because if so, the guy in my dorm has definitely hit that once too many times.

After the time when he kept talking for 40 minutes while I was trying to enter the girl's bathroom to take a shower (dressed in incredibly sweaty gym clothes, carrying a little shower bucket), I stopped seeing him around (maybe he was waylaying his boss or the train ticket person with his senseless stories about his incredible awesomeness) (i'm sorry, I'm gonna be mean because every minute he was talking about his theories of madonna/whore dichotomies in southern culture was another minute of acute leg cramps for me the next day).

But today, I was not so lucky.

Because while downstairs in the 1st floor lounge (the coolest place to watch tv), he comes down to get a soda and decides that I need to be talked to. Subjects of his one-way conversation (my terse response in parentheses):
  • why I didn't watch tv upstairs (too hot)
  • what was I watching (sex and the city)
  • why would anyone watch that show on tbs when they change all the good things (silence)
  • his new tattoo is so itchy and flaky, wanna see? (ok) (it was a commercial)
  • what the tattoo means to him personally (silence) (no chance to respond- talk flying at me at an alarming rate)
  • he has the most awesome case right now but can't talk about it because of confidentiality but if he could, i would be jealous (oh) (what was i supposed to do with that?)
  • his girlfriend really likes his tattoo (that's great)
  • other things that i tuned out ("uh-huh" "oooh" "interesting")
  • diet pepsi is such a joke (silence) (how can you respond to that?)

So at that point, he decided that since I was still trying to watch tv, he would leave. But then he revealed the fact that he knew which room I lived in, and would be visiting soon "when he was bored." Lucky me.

I feel justified in my annoyance with him because after I casually mentioned knowing someone from Pace law school and described that person, he was like "o, [that person's] a little geeky, right?" Yes, sir, because with your tattoos, 1st-yr psych theories, and trunk full o' pot, you are the paragon of all that is cutting edge cool. Really, he just needs to relax. Dude reminds me of that desparate guy in your first english seminar who wants to show everyone that he is reading Derrida and Foucault and is already planning his senior interdisciplinary thesis that he will never finish.

Maybe he'll calm down in our third conversation. But the milk of human kindness is only about a pint-size for ppl who don't allow even a two way monologue to occur. let alone dialogue. and i like sex and the city even on tbs. so stop criticizing me.


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