
Pustolking Around with the (other) Tourists

i think there needs to be a new word for walking in nyc. Maybe something that combines pushing, stopping and walking. pustolking?

Places visited today:
~Soho (where i purchased some hair product that I had recently run out of and can only find at Ricky's) (where i could also buy a fashionable wig, if i choose to have a sex change and become a drag queen. Or some expensive flipflops. I wonder how they chose to put those particular products together)
~China Town (land of the seven thousand dumplings, or at least that's what it felt like when we ordered 4 dim sum dishes and ended up with 18 dumplings and 2 bowls of wonton soup) (needless to say, some dumplings stayed in chinatown, bc after consuming about 7 dumplings, you start to get the dumpling sweats and that's just not right) (it will definitely be like a month before i need another dumpling) (I also bought a brocade purse bc i'm a complete brocade purse sucker and my last one just fell apart (I give each of them about 2 years of purse duty then put them out to purse pasture))
~Little Italy (where we ran into a street fair- most of the vendors were pretty agressive, but one of the men selling sausage was like "Huminahuminahuminaigotwhatyouwantitakecareofyou youwantasausageprettyladyhuminahumina" Needless to say we walked by a couple of times just to hear the patter. And there was so much funnel cake running around. But as fried dough no longer turns me on, and I had just been reveling in Dumplingfest2k5, I was quite immune to the funnel cake. Hooray!)
~Union Square (nothing to report, just that I went there and it was boring. Boring for New York, which is intensely fascinating for Richmond, so it was not a walk wasted).

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Subways are naaaaaasty. Not the train itself, which keeps quite clean looking (dont' tell me if it isn't because I don't want to have to walk everywhere), but the platform and the tracks- ick! It's coated in this powdery dirt which must be pulverized rat poop and dried-up tuberculosis flakes and just ewww and I just need to not think about it except when i get home and blow my nose and the tissue is suddenly all black and I just feel like retching.

It is a testimony to how much I love the city that I'm willing to put up with that level of ick. Because really, even writing about it is making me want to go bleach all parts of my skin that were exposed to the open air. Bleach is fabulous stuff. Or as my dad and I like to call it, El Dios Blanco is fabulous stuff.

Also? I want this skirt. So orangey-red, so sexy. So not work appropriate and therefore so currently unjustifiable. O the pain of living on borrowed money.


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