
While most people in law school are my age (straight outta college), some did the wise thing and took time off between the fabulous joyfest that was undergrad and the drives-you-to-drink slog that is law school. (I kid! I kid!) (well, not really) Anyways, this leads to some amusing exchanges.

Background: Kaity's husband had just finished his surgery rotation (methinks- I might be mixing this up with Grey's Anatomy) and so he wanted to go out drinking, and so she called me (either because Fort Awesome is near the bars, or I'm getting a reputation) and she invited Neal and his wife also to join in the drunkening. What followed was a volley of emails that abruptly ended after the last one...

-----Original Message-----
From: Julia
To: Kaity; Neal
Subject: RE: Drinkfest 2k5!

How would you like to come to Ft Awesome for some pre-drinking food, and then head over to

1) Carlton’s (pretty fancy, yet hurray for supporting new businesses started by UVA alums!)

2) or Three Monkeys (relatively new, possibility of outside seating but loud)

3) or Buddy’s (big booth-y tables, ludicrously loud after 10)

4) or Avalon or Helen’s for quietitude with your alcohol

I should go check out Friday night drink specials. Because it’s not like I have school work or job applications or anything to do.

My priorities are so in line.

~j (hooch commander)

-----Original Message-----
From: Neal
To: Kaity; Julia
Subject: RE: Drinkfest 2k5!

I thought Brian Ferry left Roxy Music. (What's Avalon?)

From: Julia
To: Neal; Kaity
Subject: RE: Drinkfest 2k5!

Avalon is a bar on Main and Mulberry.

And if I can ask without belying my years, who’s Brian Ferry? If I can’t ask without getting razzed, then I totally know who he is.

From: Neal
To: Kaity; Julia
Subject: RE: Drinkfest 2k5!

Brian Ferry was the lead singer for a band called Roxy Music. Roxy Music came out with one of the most fundamental 80’s albums of all time, “Avalon”.


I think you were 5.

From: Julia
To: Neal; Kaity
Subject: RE: Drinkfest 2k5!

Since Avalon came out in 1983, I was actually 2.

Yes, I am a spring chicken.


People are always surprised that I'm younger than they are. I think I should start using a more agressive moisturizer.

As additional fun, bone up on your Drunk


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