
Update: Obtuse No More (We Hope)

Obtuse dude from previous posts has reached clarity!

Steph and I were in the downstairs lounge watching tv and he comes in to sample the wares of the vending machine. He says (rather snippily) "I see you've discovered the downstairs lounge." Which makes NO sense as he has bothered me there before (see previous posts). Then he's like "I guess Tuesday is tv night for you" and I say to Steph "yeah- haha Miranda's hair is so bad" and he grabs his vended foodstuffs and stomps out. Stomping out is very effective in the downstairs lounge as there is a little platform designed for wheelchair access that is obviously hollow and generates lots of stomping noise when stomped upon.

The moment he leaves, Steph turns to me and whispers with that face everyone gets when they just can't wait to gossip, "Is that the annoying guy you told me about?" and i rolled my eyes and she whispered "He was a little hostile." Then she said that maybe we were monopolizing his tv and i said no way, he lived on the 5th floor and had one in his room for pete's sake and she said then he is just a freak.

Truer words were never spoken.

So an hour later, when we were leaving the lounge, he was out in the vesitbule talking to the head of the building about getting a room change. And he pointedly ignored us when we waited for the head of the building to sign us out the building broom. Then he said (and i quote) "I want the new room soon because I don't feel the urge to clean knowing that I'll be moving soon. My amps and wires for my electric guitar are scattered all over."

O dude. One day, one day I hope you grow up.

On second thought, I think growing up might make you regret your 40,000 tattoos. So stay blissfully unawares, my son-- it is for the best.

ps. Why did the other ladies let Miranda walk around with that hair? and some of those outfits? she prolly makes more money than all of them (besides Samantha) and yet, ick! Reminds me of the only line I ever partially remembered from a Doris Day movie:

"That woman has the taste of a water buffalo"
"Yes, but it's a rich water buffalo"

Or something like that. It always amuses me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

J- That dude reminds me too much of matt o., which is totally makes sense, right? meaness is how you handle these people. -cbk

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  

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