
Time to Start Worrying About the Bar!

One question was on everyone's lips today- obviously a memo had been sent around: "So, young Julia, where are you going to take the Bar?"

[silence- the silence of the newly-panicked me. I've recently begun to think that I'll want to move around for a little while and I'm trying to think of a job that will let me do that. The whole Bar thing is the thorn in my plan's side. The Bar likes for you to settle down, take a load off, practice law in one place. And reciprocity doesn't seem to be an option anymore in my perhaps-states. Realize that while I'm thinking this, I'm completely silent]

"Are you coming back to NYC?"

"I think I'll stay in Virginia for a couple of years and maybe transfer"
[Really, it all depends where I get a job. I've always found that planning the future is just an unpleasant time-waster]

"You should take multiple bars simultaneously- You'll never be that sharp again."

[Great, so what I decide now will determine the rest of my life? I really needed that pressure.] [that last thought was sarcastic]

Then we'd move onto old war stories (actual and courtroom) or "Do you remember Buddy McRandom-Dude?" "Oh, remember when McRandom-Dude did [funny thing usually involving drinking or working the system]? That was great. I love McRandom-Dude. His daughter's in the DA's office now."

I guess since it was my second-to-last day of fun-summer-work in my entire life, it was time to trot out the big guns and question what I was doing with my career (eek!). But to think that in a year it could be me sitting at the behind-the-scenes conference table arguing "that's mine, this is yours, please visit your children occasionally because they miss you" frightens me.

I'm just a big ole wimp. Tell me what you think I should do about the Bar, or what you're doing. C'mon, I know at least 3 lurkers who should delurk and come to my aid. Please, I'm beggin' ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel you - Evan wont match until MARCH 15!!! WTF hubby??! Hes applying to residency programs in 5 states, but they could put him ANYWHERE.

So, I have no real helpful advice. Emmy told me that if you take classes for things that are on the multi-state portion of the bar, learning state specific stuff isnt too bad. Im working on the assumption that she is correct.

Regardless, Id be glad to drown bar sorrows in beer with you.

Friday, July 29, 2005  
Blogger julia said...

Dude, the other night I went out to happy hour with some ppl from work. I drank my beer and was thinking "wow, not drinking for a couple months has made me a one beer queer now" and Abigail leaned over and was like "Look at Julia- she is so drunk off of one beer!" My sorrows can be drowned in a half pint.

Friday, July 29, 2005  

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