
Vexing Inaccuracy.

Why is the contraction of husband "hubby"? There's an "s" in between the u and the b. IF you say, "Julia, why do you care? So everyone skips a letter, so what?" I'll tell you what. If the omission of one letter doesn't bother you, then it's a tiny slide down the slippery slope before you start skipping two letters, then mixing the letters around, then adding a letter and suddenly the lebanese are being called lesbians because "hey, it's close enough" and the grandchildren of Danny Thomas suddenly are no longer married and can't pay for Danny III's heart medication because the health benefits don't carry over to lesbian partners and their plaintive cries echo in the night "But I'm Lebanese!"

Of course, all that would be spared if the gay were allowed to marry. But as the U.S. is not as advanced as Spain and all other lovely countries whose leaders realize that no one would actively choose to be discriminated against if it were a choice, the lebanese will suffer just as the gays do.

Which also makes me think of the interesting tangent: If a man were from the island of Lesbos, and declared that he was a Lesbian on his official U.S. documents, that would cause some raised eyebrows and perhaps a few amusing miscommunication hijinks occasionally. Hey, I think I just wrote the next high-concept sitcom pitch for NBC! Hurray!

Sidenote: I'm so Puma's bitch. Look at the orange ones with the pink puma bursting off the picture-plane that is the sneaker! And these are also fabulous but in a conan-"in-the-year-2000" sort of way! these, however, are a grave error in judgment. Stick to sneakers, Puma designers.

Note on the side of the Sidenote: My dad made me business cards a while ago (which is actually really easy in these days of fancy schmanzy printers) but I tend to forget to pass them out (sieve-brained as i am). But today, since a lot of people were internship-hopping to other jobs (team intern stands strong, though) I was handing them out like a stranger with candy. And regardless of what their mommies told them, everyone accepted my vital information and was very impressed. I think it was the little colour law school icon that did it, though it may have been the finely ribbed paper. So mad thanks to my dad! Three cheers and all that!


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