
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios

Apple Cinnamon Cheerios has always been my favorite cereal. Other cereals will come and go, like my brief love affairs with Raisin Bran or mixing all three kinds of Chex together- which is the exact right level of excitement for first-thing-in-the-morning- but I always return.

There are several things I've learned about AC Cheerios and i'd like to delineate them. I know I make lots of little lists of the blog, but I like lists. If you think this amount is excessive, you should see my class notes.

  1. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios are one of two kinds of cereal with Kelly Green boxes. The other is Apple Jacks. Do you remember the old Apple Jacks campaign? Where the dad/male authority figure would say "why do you like Apple Jacks? they don't taste like apples." and the kids would say "because we do" or something nonsensical and then the adversarial questioner/questionee barrier would be broken and everyone would laugh as if to say "Ahh... kids." even the kids, which I always think is false-feeling. Kids rarely laugh at their own precious precociousness. My point is (and i do have one) that Apple Cinnamon Cheerios does taste like apples and cinnamon and are in the cheerio (aka somewhat healthy) family, and Apple Jacks are just like a Froot Loops variatal- taste like sugared carb bits. But they are both proportedly derived from Apples, hence the green boxiness (though I have never seen an apple that colour. But I shall not quibble with the ACC people- they are gods that bestride the narrow world like a colossus). So don't let the box fool you, and don't absentmindedly buy the wrong box.
  2. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios are NEVER on sale. (i should say, very rarely) This really cheeses my grits. Everything else goes on sale, but the Cheerios ppl apparently know that they have we ACC fans by the short hairs and that we would buy ACC's if they cost 2 legs and a firstborn baby, so it's always $4-$5 a box. I would like to say that for fairness sake, the Super Shop n' Stop had "Buy Two, Get Two Free" sale on ACC's this week. Needless to say, I'm working my way through the 4 boxes as I type.
  3. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios don't leave you with the horrific cereal-mouth that other Cheerios do. All other Cheerios- original, honey nut, multigrain, brown sugar, possum- cover your mouth in a funky wheat jacket that doesn't remove itself when you brush, floss and Listerine your mouth to oblivion. You gotta give it up for the one member of the Cheerio family that can be tamed by a little bit of Tartar Control Crest.
I don't have any other thoughts on Apple Cinnamon Cheerios besides "mmmm" so I think I'll leave it on "funky wheat jacket." I think there should be a dance called the funky wheat jacket. It sounds like a song by the Spin Doctors.

It's land of nod time, and I will be a loyal citizen until morning. Night.


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