
Obtusitron Update

Last night he decided to interupt tv time again, so in a commercial I picked up my bottle of needles ( i was transfering my used needles into a biohazard container- it's kinda like that toy where you need to put the round shape through the round hole, square shape through square hole, etc. It's very soothing and I always marvel at the sheer numbers of needles that I must use. And the sheer numbers of ordinary citizens that I must freak out when I inject in public. haha- suck it, bitches) and said "bye" and went back to my room.

Frankly if bottle of needles won't keep me safe, I don't know what will. And if someone is engaged in such a bizarre behavior and you choose to come over and talk at them, wouldn't you ask what they were doing? I guess not if you're a narcissist.

So once I figured he wouldn't see me leave, I took the stairs to the 4th floor and joined their tv time. Luckily, they were also watching The Mummy Returns but they also were switching to Chaotic in the commercials- upgrade! If I were Britney Spears, I would have married the most brilliant yet socially well-adjusted man I could find. Maybe that guy who invented the segway and the insulin pump and the newer smaller dialysis machine. Or at least Owen Wilson. And had I been forced to marry the likes of Cletus, I would have made him shave for the wedding. That is not a wedding beard, golddigger. Thank God I'm not Britney. I have enough problems with one stalker, let alone many with cameras.


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